1·Specific to the Standard Chartered Bank, Industrial Bank is an independent accounting segment.
2·Accounting of the internal sales within the corporation directly affects the performance evaluation of the independent accounting unit.
3·According to Article 2, the enterprises or entities who apply for independent accounting shall be the tax payer of enterprise income tax.
4·Township enterprises are independent accounting units responsible for their own profits and losses; they are highly motivated and have a sense of urgency.
5·On the other hand, but also as soon as possible so that the postal savings independent accounting and solve the postal savings and the costs, benefits division.
6·Unfortunately, the independent accounting among each business department resulted in the emergence of the bottleneck in unified enterprise logistics management.
7·Each of the department coordinates with others to ensure independent accounting as well as comprehensive accounting. It ensures clear responsibility and definite data.
8·Secondary Vocational Computerized Accounting Teaching; Independent Inquiry Learning; Network Environment; cooperation.